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Monday, January 30, 2012

What is a Java Update and is it Safe?

Safe Updates: Java

I receive many calls and emails in regards to 'UPDATES' and many of you don’t do them (‘eek!’) because you are unsure whether it is safe to do so

Please remember that its OK not to know these things because no one told you in the first place and this knowledge will help to save you time stress and in the end… money

Many are very safe and, in fact, to ensure the security of your PC, its a good thing to do. Updates are usually intended to fix security problems, which makes your computer safer
In order to help you make sense of the confusion I thought I’d put together a quick Step-By-Step for the main ones that will pop up and nag you from time to time [print Page 3.]

What Is Java?

An icon is appearing down the bottom in your task bar, that looks like a little orange coffee cup and it keeps asking you to update something called; JAVA

As you may or may not know, computer programs are written in different technical languages. One of these languages is called 'Java'. A program written in Java will work on many different kinds of computers, such as PCs and Macs.

from the java site def: Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is the underlying technology that powers state-of-the-art programs including utilities, games, and business applications. Java runs on more than 850 million personal computers worldwide, and on billions of devices worldwide, including mobile and TV devices.

In other words Java allows you to do such things as 
  • chat with family and friends worldwide, 
  • play online games, 
  • view images,  just to name a few. 
It's also integral to the intranet applications and other e-business solutions that are the foundation of corporate computing.

Why do I need Java?

There are lots of applications and websites that won't work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. 

Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to data centres, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, mobile phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

Is Java free to download?

Yes, Java is free to download. Get the latest version at

Why Java Needs Updating

The Java program already exists on your PC if it is asking to be updated. To run programs written in Java language, you need a Java "runtime environment." So if your computer is nagging you to "update Java," then your computer has a Java runtime environment already— and it is out of date.

Java is NOT JavaScript. They are completely different. They share a name only because of a marketing decision made by Netscape and Sun years and years ago. Many web pages rely on JavaScript for important features you want.

What You Should Do

You have two reasonable choices:
  1. Update Java whenever you are asked to. This is safe— the Java runtime environment is a product of Sun Microsystems, a very respectable company. It is already on your computer. When you refuse to update Java (or Windows, or MacOS...) you are often taking a very big risk by refusing to fix security problems.
  2. Uninstall Java completely. Yes, you can do this and it is safe. The negative consequence is that if you are using any programs or websites that rely on Java, you will not be able to use those programs or websites correctly any more unless you install Java again.

 HINT: Updates are necessary – Upgrades are not

UPDATE JAVA: Step-by-Step

When a balloon pops up and asks you to install Java Updates
Left click
  1.  Say Yes
  2. The Java Update Available screen will appear
  3.  Left Click Install
  4. The Java Setup will begin

  1. Left Click Install again

  1. The installation will begin showing you its progress. You do not have to do anything more

The Writing underneath is an ad for a freeware program call open office... ignore it at this point and ask me about it later
Note from MCT
Print the previous page and file it into your My Computer Tutor folder for future reference
When updating your programs the principles are basically the same
I will send you more of these handy guides as soon as I put them together
Please remember that its OK not to know these things because no one told you in the first place and this knowledge will help to save you time stress and in the end… money
Knowledge on how to maintain the health of your computer and how to stay safe on the net is becoming increasingly important, so please do not hesitate to continue to contact me with any concerns

Yours in PC Peace
My Computer Tutor
PS: Stop stressing for hours alone in front of your PC. You are not alone.
Email: Or contact me via the website

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